One of the coolest solar eclipse activities for kids is teaching them how to make a solar eclipse viewer. It is actually a lot easier than I imagined. With just a cereal box and a few items, you can make a solar eclipse viewer to protect your family’s eyes during the solar eclipse.

DIY Solar Eclipse Viewer cereal box shown with corner altered

What is a Solar Eclipse Viewer

Everyone knows that staring directly at the sun is a bad idea, but why is it such a big deal during a solar eclipse? To put it simply, when the eclipse occurs, it gets dark outside. Your eyes dilate to let in more light, and if you’re looking at the sun when it is exposed again, it can burn your retinas. When the eclipse ends, it’s instantly brighter and that is when the danger occurs.

A solar eclipse viewer solves this problem by using a pinhole to project the image of the sun onto a surface. You can watch the sun’s projection as the eclipse occurs with no fear of damage to your eyes.

If you haven’t been able to find solar eclipse glasses, this is a simple, inexpensive option that kids can help build!

Supplies Needed to Make a Solar Eclipse Viewer

  • Cereal Box
  • White Paper
  • Scissors
  • Tin Foil
  • Nail
  • Pencil
  • Tape

Directions to Make a Solar Eclipse Viewer from Cereal Box

How to Make a Solar Eclipse Viewer

Step 1

Trace the bottom of the cereal box onto the white paper. Cut out the paper and tape it to the inside bottom of the box.

Step 2

Cut off the side tabs on the top of the box. Cut part of the remaining tabs to create two holes on either side of the top of the cereal box. Tape closed.

Step 3

Fold the tin foil in half and form it over the hole on the right. Tape it into place.

Step 4

Use the nail to create a pin hole in the center of the tin foil.

Now, your solar eclipse viewer is ready!

How to Use a Solar Eclipse Viewer Safely

How a Solar Eclipse Viewer Works
  1. During the eclipse, turn your back to the sun and look through the hole on the left.
  2. Adjust angle of the box until you see the sun’s projection through the pinhole onto the white paper inside the box.

Now that you’re ready to watch the big event, get your kids involved by teaching them solar eclipse science.

More Solar Inspired Ideas from Kids Activities Blog

How did your solar eclipse viewer turn out? Did you see the solar eclipse?

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  1. This is so easy. Thank you for publishing it.
    Our glasses were deemed unsafe but this will do nicely!
    By the way, we are retirees?