Do you have a wacky kiddo who loves random facts?  

We do!  

These are some of the facts that our kids have thought were hilarious…

…and didn’t believe they were true!

Fun Fact Favorites

What is the most fun fact?

There are so many fun facts, but my favorite is that kangaroos can’t walk backwards…I can’t imagine not being able to back up!

What is the craziest random fact?

I think the craziest fact is that there is a 50% chance that in a group of 23 people, two will share the same birthday. That seems impossible!

What is the most interesting fact?

The most interesting fact is that sharks can attack in the womb! Tiger shark embryos begin attacking each other in their mother’s womb.


Cool Weird Facts About Humans

You fart on average 14 times a day, and each fart travels from your body at 7 mph.

While you sleep you can’t smell anything – even really, really bad or potent smells.

Some tumors can grow hair, teeth, bones, even fingernails.

Your brain uses 10 watts of energy to think and does not feel pain.

your brain uses energy & other silly science facts for kids

Your fingernails grow faster when you are cold.

A typical cough is 60 mph while a sneeze is often faster than 100 mph.

Your feet typically produce a pint of sweat every single day.

20% of all the oxygen you breathe is used by your brain.

All babies are born with blue eyes.

When you look at a bright sky and see white dots, you are looking at your blood.  Those are white blood cells.

Your small intestine is the largest internal organ in your body.

Cool Fun Facts About Animals

Giant Pandas eat approximately 28 pounds of bamboo a day – that’s over 5 tons per year!

Some fish cough.  Really.

cool kid facts you won't believe - fish can cough - gold fish in water - Kids Activities Blog

Cats are not able to taste anything that is sweet.

Snails take the longest naps with some lasting as long as three years.

50 facts you didn't know - snails nap the longest! Fun fact that snails can sleep for 3 years with a snail on a leaf pictured.  Kids Activities Blog
That is a really long snail nap!

American Black bears are not just black but include bears of varying colors including blonde, cinnamon, brown, white and even silver-blue.

A horse’s canter is a 3-beat gait.  On the second beat, opposite front and rear legs hit the ground at the same time.  After the third beat is a “rest”, or suspension, when all three legs are off the ground.

Kangaroos can not walk backwards.

kangaroos can not walk backwards and 50 other silly facts you didn't know

Sea Lions have rhythm.  They are the only animal able to clap to a beat.

Baby koalas are fed poo by their parents after they are born which helps them digest Eucalyptus leaves later in life.

Hippopotamus milk is pink.

50 really weird facts you didn't know hippopotamus have pink milk

Don’t like mosquitoes?  Get a bat.  They could eat 3,000 insects a night.

Birds can not live in space – they need gravity to be able to swallow.

Goats have rectangular pupils in their eyes.

50 random facts you probably don't believe are true - goats do not have circle pupils in their eyes they have rectangles - Kids Activities Blog

Many mammals, including cats and dogs, walk on their toes in contrast to humans, who walk on the soles of their feet.

If a Donkey and a Zebra have a baby, it is called a Zonkey.

Cows can walk up stairs but not down them.

Tiger shark embryos begin attacking each other in their mother’s womb before they are even born.

Totally Random Facts

The Nobel Peace Prize is named for Alfred Nobel, the inventor of dynamite.

One of the ingredients needed to make dynamite is peanuts.

The largest living organism in the world is a fungus.  It is in Oregon, covering 2,200 acres and is still growing.

The shortest war in history lasted for only 38 minutes.

Glass balls can bounce higher than rubber ones.

The smallest country in the world takes up .2 square miles: Vatican City.

The average person spends two weeks of their life waiting at traffic lights.

Applesauce was the first food eaten in space by astronauts.

Because of the 4 stages of the Water Cycle – Evaporation, Condensation, Precipitation and Collection – water falling as rain today may have previously fallen as rain days, weeks, months or years before.

There are 31,556,926 seconds in a year.

Cans of diet soda will float in water but regular soda cans will sink.

Some perfumes actually have whale poo in them.

The snow on Venus is metal.

You can cut a pie into 8 pieces with only three cuts.

The most difficult-to-pronounce town is in Wales: Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwyll llantysiliogogogoch.

The surface of Mars is covered in rust, making the planet appear red.

A tsunami can travel as fast as a jet plane.

a tsnuami wave makes a great science fact of the day

Hilarious Interesting Facts

Want chocolate smelling poo?  There is a pill for that.

Before 1913 parents could mail their kids to Grandma’s – through the postal service.

Are you terrified that a duck is watching you?  Some people are.  That is anatidaephobia.

There is a 50% chance that in a group of 23 people, two will share the same birthday.  In a group of 367 people, it is a 100% chance.  But only 70 people are required for a 99.9% chance.  

Love carrots?  Don’t eat too many or you will turn orange.


This fun facts for kids printable is perfect for use in the classroom, homeschool or just for silly fun.

Random Fun Facts for Kids Printable Version

For the Random Facts sheet, simply download & print: Random Facts for Kids

Fun Fact of the Day to Make You Go “Hmm” – Printable Cards

Here at Kids Activities Blog, we thought it would also be fun to create some fun fact of the day cards with these interesting facts.  Simply download and print the pages and then use scissors to cut along the dotted lines.  Place the random facts in a jar on your table or take them along in a bag for fun while waiting.

You can use them daily as a fun fact of the day or as conversation starters at your dinner table.  This is what this looks like:

Printable Fun Facts of the Day Cards - Overview - Printable version of random facts for kids that can be used as conversation starters of printable fun fact of the day cards

Grab your cards here:  Fun Fact of the Day Cards


At Kids Activities Blog, we have tons of fun things to do!  Keep the conversation going with some of these fun hands-on activities for kids:

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  1. Wonderful job putting these fun facts together! I read them to my family and they helped create great conversations! Thank you!

  2. The cornea of the eye is the only body part that doesn’t have a blood supply. Rather, it gets its oxygen directly from the air.

  3. There’s only one letter that doesn’t appear in any American state name. There’s a Z in Arizona and an X in Texas, but no Q in any of them

    1. Thank you, Mel! I didn’t know that! I have heard that sharks don’t stop swimming, even when they sleep… and as a mom, I relate to that SO much haha!