Today we have fun facts about the Roman Empire coloring pages that you can download and print.  Everyone’s thinking about the Roman Empire! These fun facts about the Roman Empire are great for kids of all ages. You can simply download and print our fun facts about the Roman Empire and use them in the classroom or at home.

Fun Facts about the Roman Empire coloring sheet on cyan blue background with colorful accessories-Kids Actives Blog.
Lets Learn some fun facts about the Roman Empire!

These Roman Empire facts include two pages of some fun and interesting facts about the Roman Empire to color. They are perfect for kids and adults that love coloring activities involving Ancient Rome, the Roman Empire, or classical history. You can use these fun facts at home or in the classroom!

Free Printable fun facts about the Roman Empire

Did you know the Augustus Caesar, also known as Octavian, was the first emperor of the Roman Empire? He officially became the Roman Emperor in 27 BCE when he changed his name from Octavian to Augustus Caesar. Augustus would rule the Roman Empire for the rest of his live and gained the title pinceps, meaning “the first citizen” in Latin.

Let’s learn more facts about the Roman Empire!

Roman Empire fun facts for kids

Fun Facts about the Roman Empire white coloring sheet featuring facts one through four with cute simple drawings- Kids Actives Blog
Have fun coloring these fun facts about ancient Rome!
  1. Augustus Caesar was the first emperor of the Roman Empire.
  2. Roman children wore a protective necklace called a “bulla” until they reached 14 or 15 years old.
  3. Suetonius, a Roman historian, wrote The Twelve Caesars, a book that tracked Roman history from Julius Caesar to Domitian.
  4. Ovid was a poet during the Roman Empire who was famous for writing the Metamorphoses. 

More Fun facts about the roman empire

Fun Facts about the Roman Empire white coloring sheet featuring facts five through eight with cute simple drawings- Kids Actives Blog
More fun facts about ancient rome!
  1. The Julio-Claudian dynasty started with Emperor Augustus in 27 BCE and ended with Emperor Nero in 68 CE.
  2. When Constantine became emperor of the Roman Empire, he moved the capital from Rome to a city called Byzantium, which he would rename Constantinople.
  3. The Romans used a method of fortune telling called the Sacred Chickens. The Romans would feed the chickens before a battle; if the chickens ate the food it meant the Romans should go to battle, but if the chickens didn’t eat it meant the Romans shouldn’t go to battle.
  4. The Romans took a lot of inspiration from the Ancient Greeks. They took Greek ideals, philosophy, building styles, and even mythology into their own culture.

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