Silly, but ridiculously funny School Jokes For Kids can break the ice between new friends in school, lighten up an awkward moment while waiting for a school bus and can definitely win a lot of hearts for teacher. These funny school jokes are great for back to school fun and deemed “school appropriate jokes” by parents and teachers for good old fashioned silly joke fun.

funny school jokes for kids - child laughing with a backpack
Tell a funny back to school joke!

Kids Jokes About School

Let’s not forget funny moms (you can be one too) who write those fun jokes on a note and put them in the school lunch box.

My daughter is a big big fan of jokes. She hears them from friends and while listening to the radio, we find them in books and magazines. She knows so many of them that we have already categorized them by a theme and are all school appropriate jokes that will elicit a giggle or a groan!

The Funniest Jokes For Kids About School

So since school is just around the corner we pulled out some of Sofia’s favorite School Jokes For kids.

1. Back to School Knock Knock Joke

Knock! Knock!

Who is there?


Teddy who?

Teddy (today) is the first day of school!

2. Sunglasses in Class Joke

Why does our teacher wear glasses?

Because kids in her class (we) are so bright!

3. Music Teacher Joke

Why would a music teacher might need a ladder?

The reach the high notes.

Child laughing at a back to school joke - Kids Activities Blog
Now that back to school joke was funny!

4. Why School is Everyday Joke

What did you learn in school today, son?

Not enough, dad. I have to go back tomorrow.

5. Math Teacher Diet Joke

What food do math teachers eat?

Square meals!

6. Grading Joke

How do you get straight A’s?

By using a ruler!
Child LOL jokes for back to school - Kids Activities Blog
That joke made me giggle.

7. School Zone Joke

Why are you late for class, Peter?

Because of the sign on the road?

What sign, Peter?

School Ahead. Go slow!

8. Here Comes the Sun Joke

What’s big and yellow that comes every morning to brighten your mom’s day?

A school bus

9. Knock Knock Silly

Knock, Knock!

Who’s there?


Jess Who?

Jess (just) wait till I tell you about my first day back to school!

Can't stop laughing at jokes - Kids Activities Blog
I just can’t stop laughing at these jokes…

10. College Learning for the Sun

Why didn’t the sun go to college?

Because it already had a million degrees!

11. Follow the Bees to School Joke

Do you know how bees get to school?

On the school buzz!

school jokes for kids - girl holding composition book of jokes
Let me jot these silly jokes down!

12. Be Quiet in Class Joke

What was the first thing you learned in class today, son?

How to talk without moving lips, mom.

13. Creative Math Joke

Mom, I got a 100 in school today!

Really? That’s awesome! What subject?

60 in math and 40 in spelling

14. What kind of school do you go to Joke:

  • a surfer? Boarding school
  • a giant? High school
  • King Arthur? Knight school
  • ice cream man? Sundae school.
stop making me laugh with these silly jokes for kids - Kids activities blog - child with skateboard laughing
Stop making me laugh!

15. School Lunch Joke

If you had 19 oranges, 11 strawberries, 5 apples and 9 bananas, what would you have?

A yummy fruit salad.

16. Opposites Attract Joke

What’s the difference between a teacher and a train?

A teacher says, “Spit out that gum” and the train says, “Chew! Chew!”

school jokes for kids
Teacher wears shades!

17. Reasonable Teacher Joke

Luke: Teacher, would you punish me for something I didn’t do?

Teacher: Of course not.

Luke: Good, because I didn’t do my homework.

18. Homework Joke

Teacher: Andrew, where is your homework?

Andrew: I ate it.

Teacher: Why?!

Andrew: You said it was piece of cake!

19. Proper Order of Things Joke

Knock Knock

Who is there?


B-4 who?

B-4 you go to school, do your homework!

20. Brain Health Joke

If sleep is really good for the brain, then why is it not permitted in school?

21. The True Meaning of CLASS

C.L.A.S.S. = Come Late And Start Sleeping

In case you can’t stop watching kids laugh their ears off go and read some more funny jokes for kids and watch this video Sofia made.

Sofia’s Funny School Jokes For Kids

Like these Jokes?  There are more!

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We have a printable joke book for kids filled with over 125 Jokes and silly pranks for your kids to read.

Back To School Fun from Kids Activities Blog

What is your kids favorite back to school joke? Tell us in the comments!

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  1. Q – Did you know diarrhea is hereditary?….

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